Wednesday, June 18, 2014

FIFA Cockblocks Beats by Dre, Won't Allow Players to Wear Them at the World Cup

(XXL Mag) - FIFA will not allow any player to wear Beats by Dre headphones inside the stadiums or to media events at the World Cup. FIFA has a licensing agreement with Sony and they do not want any Beats headphones at the tournament. They even went as far to send every player participating in the World Cup a free set of headphones.

I have to admit that this is the first time I watched this commercial, if someone had played this for me about half an hour before the US v. Ghana match, I would have been hyped as shit. The music is perfect, and although Altidore is somewhat subdued in the commerical, it thrives off the anticipation you see in the players and fans faces throughout. AMERICA! BEATS! 

However, Beats are straight garbage. There are two reasons why people like beats: celebrity endorsements and heavy bass. Beats does a great job marketing their product by paying some of the biggest names out there to endorse them such as Lil Wayne, Ellie Goulding and Justin Bieber to name a few. So people are obviously going to jump all over them. But the main reason they're so awful is sound quality. With the increase in popularity of house/EDM/dubstep in the recent years, many younger listeners simply care about bass. Beats do provide a good amount of bass, but that completely ruins the rest of the track. You're not able to hear individual instruments or certain subtleties that an artist might want you to hear. Just sounds like your listening to synthesized bullshit. You can actually get a solid pair of Sony headphones with equal or better quality for almost half the price in some instances. Good for FIFA cockblocking the shit out of Beats. Can't believe i'm siding with FIFA...

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