Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Does This Sideshow Bob Look Alike Follow Through with his Streaking Proposal?

In regards to this tweet, Alexis Sanchez is a star forward for Barcelona in the Spanish League, who is being heavily pursued by multiple clubs in Europe during the next trade deadline. Obviously an Aresnal fan (which is equivalent to liking the Red Sox, except they dont win titles) but I can't respect the move here. Most of these idiots who throw these outlandish proposals on Twitter don't follow through, and are just looking to gain followers and attention. But my real question is, why do you have to run on the field naked to put this shirt on Sanchez? He's got a target, and an objective, which is all you really need. Is running onto the field without clothes significantly more gratifying than doing it fully clothed to warrant the public indecency charges? I guess running out on the field looking like Sideshow Bob isn't enough to make headlines these days. Has to be naked and show off the goods for the world to see. You'd also think that each sideline has about 200 guards on it to prevent shit like this.

This guy has dedicated three tweets to it, so i'm thinking the odds are good that this David Luiz hobo look alike goes through with it. However, with the recent developments in security tackling streakers, I wouldn't do it myself.

And this guy wasn't even looking for a specific player. This guy might get NFL Blitz tackled for trying to approach one of the premier players on the pitch.

UPDATE - That was short lived. Pants are still on too. Not impressed in the slightest.

UPDATE FURTHER - Huge pussy. Just like the rest of them.

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