Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Is Tim Duncan the Greatest of All-Time?

If you had asked me this question before the finals, I would have laughed. Duncan, greatest of all time? Give me a break. But after such an effective performance in the finals at 38 years old, winning a 5th title, and getting revenge on LeBron after last year's collapse, that question crept into my mind again. But this graphic seemingly put things into perspective.

To be fair, everyone on this list had a GREAT supporting cast. Jordan had Pippen, Rodman, Kerr etc....Kobe had Shaq & Big Shot Bob....LeBron had Bosh & Wade...and Duncan had Manu & Parker. Obviously, basketball is a team game, but you look at this graphic and what do you see? Black guys Total dominance. Of the four, Tim Duncan is definitely the most oatmeal player on the board. The dude dresses likes he's walking to AP Chemistry when it's the NBA Finals. He's all fundamentals, no flash, and does all his talking on the floor rather than the post-game press conference. He let's his kids do that for him:

But I think that's part of the reason why Duncan is so great, legendary even. I always despised Timmy because he was so boring. That's possibly because the San Antonio system is so boring, but none the less, he does the same thing every game: post up, rebound, up and under moves, running hooks and uses the backboard whenever possible. It'd be one thing if he was a monster of an athlete like Chris Webber, or a prolific shooter like Dirk Nowitzki, but he's not, he's just legendary at what he does, which is fundamental basketball. Taking "use the backboard" to a whole new level with his game. And at the end of the day, you can't do anything but respect that commitment to the fundamentals, working hard, and being consistent. My hat's off to you Tim.

There's not a doubt in my mind that Tim Duncan is the greatest pure power forward to play the game. Greatest of all time might still be a stretch, but he's a first ballot hall of famer, and absolute top 15 player in the game of all time.

P.S. - I take back what I said. I am now a fan.

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