Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Drew Brees Endorses Motorcycle That His Contract Forbids Him to Ride...huh?

(Yahoo! Sports) - One of the NFL's most successful pitchmen, Drew Brees knows a thing or two about endorsing products. Most of these items are things Brees uses, or claims to use, in his daily life. Some of Brees' larger sponsorships are with Tide, Wrangler and Nike. But Brees has gotten to the point where even if he doesn't use a product, and explicitly states that, he is still a good brand ambassador.
Thus is the case for the Can-Am Spyder motorcycle, which Brees is forbidden from riding due to his contract with the Saints. But Brees is familiar with the brand after a former teammate purchased one of the motorcycles, and he is the star of a new Can-Am Spyder commercial.
How does this make any sense at all? How can you stand behind a product that you're not allowed to try yourself? That's like someone with Celiac disease endorsing bread. I get that Brees as a celebrity endorsement has to only help, but how are you going to convince me that this land sea-doo is cool, if you're not even sure how cool it really is? I can tell you right now that it's not cool, I stopped riding tricycles a long time ago, and have never looked back. Not to mention that the cornball nature of this commercial doesn't cut it for me.
Can-Am Spyder....officially off the cool list. 

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